Your troops counted 800000 soldiers, and the Syrians counted another 150000 a million of soldiers against 415000 Israelis.

Sometimes- and in the last 6 months pretty often- I meet at the Arab forums and blogs the guys from Egypt who quite seriously think that Egypt had won the Yom Kippur war it started onĬome on, Egyptians, you can´t be serious! You, together with Syria, attacked Israel without declaring war, in a sudden strike. Is it true that many Egyptians think Egypt had won the war with Israel in 1973?.*PROMO*(This is now my E-fed account) *Ms.Extreme backstage interview* Christy:"Ladies and Gentleman,your Undisputed Women's Champion,Ms.Extreme!"So Extreme,Edgehead has said that you two will have a match,under your match,which is Extreme Rules and it is for the both of your championships,what is your thoughts going into this match,next week on Breakdown?" Ms.Extreme:"*laughs* Christy,I don't know why I am so giggles this week!"I have been having such a great week,and it's gonna get better next week on Breakdown,I mean I FINALLY get to put these titles on the line and It's my 's an Extreme Rules Match!*giggles*"Just face it.I doubt Edgehead believes that I have an "Extreme" side so she chose this stipulation,because maybe she thought It would be an easy victory.a easy win!"You know what Edgehead,I went to college,and I was in SHIMMER for eight years,so you gonna get your *** kicked next week.I'm talking about a 360 *** kick'in" Ms.Extreme:"Christy,hows that?" Christy:"Okay,I guess."Do you have any message to say to Edgehead" Ms.Extreme:"Edgehead,I can't wait for next week.next week,is the night where I embarrass you,like the little stuck-up ***** you are."Next week,this Queen of Extreme,will teach you a lesson about a what happens,when,you put your big-foot on your mouth,you get karma,you end up getting your *** kicked,and it's obvious,who will win the match in the end of the night,it will be this girl right here!"Edgehead!.the fun has begun now!" *Sorry for a short promo* Psycho Dude 99 and Justin in ring After pulling off the biggest shock in YWWA history at Call to Greatness, Justin and PD revealed not only were they aligned, gotten rid of Y2J, Land operations covers vast areas, making reconnaissance an essential part of gameplay.

Harbors and airfields will play an important role in the gameplay, as gates for transports providing supplies and reinforcement. It will be possible to develop in depth coastal defense, thus, careful control of player naval and air forces will be the key to successful land operations. Carrier-based aviation supports both naval and land operation when possible. Sea forces will also be supported by submarines that can for example hunt down an enemy supply convoy.

Gameplay includes land and sea operations, with aviation acting as a support force for both. New user interface paradigm will allow player to control these forces avoiding unnecessary micro-management, while allowing controlling individual units, if player would so desire. The game simulates joint operation of ground, naval and air forces on vast areas.
#Sudden strike 3 arms for victory expansion series
The third in the RTS series Sudden Strike, featuring a new Sudden Strike Next7 graphics engine for large-scale air and naval battles and large numbers of units.